Thursday, January 15, 2015

How the seawater at different depth of the ocean is sampled?

Ocean is the reservoir for many contaminants.  To analyze these contaminants and assess their ecological risk, the first step is to sample collection. What device is used to sample seawater of different depth ? 

Photo (taken by Xianming Zhang): seawater sampling using a CTD device on the Endeavor Research Cruise.

CTD (conductivity, temperature, and depth) is a package of electronic instruments that measure these properties. The CTD is lowered into the water to measure the salinity, temperature, depth and take samples through the water column. The CTD is attached to a metal frame, which holds water-sampling bottles to collect water at different depths. The sample bottles can be closed with computer control when the CTD is at a give depth. 
Along with seawater, gorgeous scenery is also sampled:  

(Photo of sunset from the research cruise close to the coast of New Jersey)

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